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Death of Time (SpaceFed StarShips Series Book 4) 2nd Edition.: A thrilling, psychological, Mystery and Suspense, sci-fi detective thriller. (SpaceFed StarShips Trilogy) Page 12

Then, seeing that Micky appeared to have looked the body over sufficiently Doctor Stefan handed him a print-out.

  “You’d better have this. It’s our lab results, including the forensic pathologist’s report and the toxicological analyses of the body. We haven’t received a report on the type of radiation found in the wound or its source. But, there’s nothing else that we can find that points to anything other than the hole, as being the cause of death.”

  “Thank you, Doctor Stefan,” Micky said as he quickly read through the relevant sections.

  “Very thorough,” he added and handed the print-out to Charlie.

  “See if you can spot anything that I’ve missed.”


  “If you don’t mind, Dr Stefan, I just need to look at the body again. Ok?”

  “Sure go ahead,” Stefan replied, stepping away to let Micky move in close.

  Micky peered intently at the wall of the wound again. Then took some photos with his mobile.

  “I think we’re finished here. Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied as they all shook hands.

  “Just follow the signs for the reception.”


  Within minutes, they were back at reception. They thanked the receptionist for her help then headed for their Limo.

  Micky mentally scanned the area as they went finding that everything appeared normal.

  “Hotel, please. Mr Thomson,” Micky instructed as the driver opened the door for them.

  “Was it interesting, sir?” The driver asked as they got in.

  “Every scrap of information is helpful,” Micky answered, not willing to give information out to someone he hardly knew. He remained deep in thought until they arrived at the Hotel.

  As the car drove off, they went inside the hotel heading for the reception desk to pick up their room card.

  Micky, checking his watch, saw that it was 21:30 already.

  “I’m still hungry,” Charlie stated.

  “You’re always hungry.”

  The receptionist smiled, hearing the couple's banter.

  “Is it too late to order an evening meal?” Micky asked. “We got delayed,” he added feeling guilty that he hadn’t realised how hungry Charlie was.

  “One moment sir,” she said then called the restaurant manager. After a brief conversation, she put the phone down, saying, “Thanks, Brian.”

  “The restaurant manager said that last orders have already been taken, sir. But in the circumstances they’ll bend the rules for you both.”

  “Excellent, we’ll go straight there.”

  “Thank goodness. I’m famished,” Charlie added.

  Chapter 17.


  They were back in their room, before midnight.

  “I feel better now,” Charlie said, kicking off her shoes.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t really an ideal time to eat, especially with a busy day ahead of us.”

  “True, but even so we were lucky that they let us order the meal, that late.”

  “Yep,” he grunted, already deep in thought.

  “I’m going to have a long hot shower, then take a drink to bed with me.”

  “I’ll join you in a while. I just need to get my head around something that’s bothering me.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve got a good book to read while I’m waiting,” she said and went off to take her shower.

  Micky sat, his attention concentrated on his Laptop. He did, however, remember to carry out mental scans occasionally.

  Charlie finished her shower. Dried herself. Then set about making herself look as attractive as possible, with a spray of her favourite perfume as the finishing touch, in anticipation of what lay ahead, hopefully. Still naked she poured them both a drink and took them into the bedroom. Then putting on her slinkiest dressing gown, laid back on the bed to read her book while she waited.

  She knew Micky would sense that her emotional level was high in anticipation of him joining her. ‘Joining her in more ways than one hopefully,’ she thought.

  She occasionally lifted her eyes from her book and looked through the open bedroom door, where she could see Micky still hard at work.

  She knew that he was trying to find a pattern that would enable them to predict an intercept point between the killer and his next victim.

  “Don’t be long Micky,” she called. He put a hand up in acknowledgement.

  Charlie, taking another surreptitious look at Micky, thought that he seemed slightly older than when she first met him at the Grosvenor Hotel in London. Then shook her head in disbelief.

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ she thought. ‘It’s just the stress of this situation.'

  Micky wasn’t getting anywhere with finding an intercept point but decided that they must go to Cebro International, tomorrow. Even though, he knew that Tim had sent a warning to Doctor Hanson together with a copy of the killer’s image.

  So why did he still feel that it was imperative for him to be there? After all, with extra armed security guards and Police patrols, the killer shouldn’t be able to get in.

  So, if not inside? What did the killer have in mind?

  Cedrick had said that he’d have all the information on Cebro sent to them by 10 o’clock in the morning. So if they were ready to leave straight afterwards, they should be able to get to Cebro by one o’clock.

  He looked at his watch and saw it was getting very late. But most things were done online these days, so he went onto Newark’s airport’s website. Then cursed when he found that the morning flights were fully booked.

  They would have to take an early afternoon flight to Philadelphia, instead. Or alternatively, he could drive. But, although it was only about 83 miles to Philadelphia, he didn’t want the stress of hiring and driving a car.

  For some reason, that he didn’t know, he was strangely nervous about driving a car any distance. And, of course, Charlie hadn’t driven at all in America as yet.

  No, he decided. Although both flying and using cabs still made him slightly nervous, they were by far the safest bet for him. So he looked for a hotel close to the Airport, rather than wasting time looking for something further out.

  The Renaissance Philadelphia Airport Hotel looked okay. The flight to Philly would only take 49 minutes, plus, of course, airport waiting times.

  He knew that he should have opted for driving to Philly as the flight was somewhat expensive for such a short journey. He also knew that he would have to put up with Cedrick telling him off for spending money as if there were no tomorrow, especially as it hadn’t saved him time.

  Not that he didn’t care about that. But he knew that it was better, for him personally, to arrive in a good frame of mind, rather than arriving stressed out.

  Anyway, he was sure that they were very close to solving the puzzle, and it was just a matter of preventing Cebro’s demise.

  ‘Yep, two to three days should wrap this case up,’ he thought to himself. Then deciding to go ahead booked the flight for both of them. Then booked the Hotel as well, leaving the departure date open.

  He scanned the area again and finding it clear, closed down his Laptop for the night. Checked that the door was locked, then went off to the bathroom to spruce himself up a bit, before joining Charlie in the bedroom.

  He was determined that even if she was already asleep, he was going to wake her.

  But Charlie was only pretending to be asleep anyway. As he entered, she moved, slowly and seductively stretching her arms out sideways. Then arched her back a bit. Next she slowly straightened her legs, opening them ever so slightly as she did so, then stopped.

  She lay watching him through her half-open eyes. Then, slowly slid the folds of her dressing gown slightly to one side, exposing one of her thighs, just a little.

  “What kept you?” she asked, her voice soft and inviting.

  “Do you always greet lovers like that?” he whispered, sensing her emotional level rise in anticipation.
br />   “Only you,” she whispered back, then added, “There aren’t any others.”

  Then suddenly, breaking the mood, asked. “Anyway, what kept you? You didn’t tell me.”

  “We’re going to Philadelphia tomorrow.”

  “Oh, are we? She replied, then paused for a moment, looking intently into his eyes.

  “Then you’d better do something to help me sleep,” she seductively replied.

  ‘Only if I’ve got the energy,' he thought to himself.

  Then, as he looked at Charlie again, thankfully, he knew that he did.

  “Come and join me,” she softly commanded him. Then her legs encompassed him as he lowered himself onto her. Then both were flooded with emotion as their bodies moved rhythmically in concert with each other. Until, finally, they were exhausted from their exertions, and both lay back breathless but content.

  After a while, Charlie sat up to take a longer look at him. Yes, she was sure. Micky did look slightly older. He’d certainly just shown that he had less energy than when they first met in London. But, she was sure nevertheless that he was still the only man for her.

  Chapter 18.


  By 9:30 the next morning. They had showered, dressed, and eaten breakfast. Then packed everything except Mickey’s Laptop. This would be packed once Cedrick had called.

  Micky carried out a mental scan of the area as they both sat waiting for his call. He could feel two other minds nearby but was relieved to find that the ‘flavour’ of their emotions were normal. Then both jumped as Micky’s Laptop suddenly beeped.

  “Cedrick,” he thought as he tapped the receive icon. Sure enough, Cedrick’s face beamed out at them.

  “Hi, both of you. Had a good night’s sleep, have we?”

  “Yes, Cedrick. I suppose, you’re going to say you’ve been up all night?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I just wondered.”

  “But I see you’re going to cost me a fortune again.”

  “You can afford it Cedrick. So what have you got on Cebro for us?”

  “Quite a bit. I’ll email it to you instead of telling you everything in detail.”

  “Fine, send it.”

  “Doing it now.”

  “By the way Cedrick, Have you been able to contact this Doctor Hanson that Timothy said was high up at Cebro?”

  “Funnily enough, I’ve just finished speaking to him, and yes, before you ask, we’ve got full co-operation.”

  “That’s great Cedrick,” Micky replied as the Laptop beeped beside him.

  “Good, your files are in Cedrick. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome my boy. Now, when you get to Cebro, just ask their security guards to contact Hanson for you.”


  “Oh, by the way, Micky, I told Hanson that Charlie will be with you. I also warned him that you’re a bit strange.”

  “I can hear the word ‘but’ coming.”

  “Yes, but not in a bad way. How did you know?”

  “I guess I know you pretty well Cedrick,” Micky replied with a laugh.

  Cedrick laughed back. “Yes. I did add a ‘but’. But only to tell them you’re the finest special investigator on this planet.”

  Micky laughed again, at this remark.

  “Ah yes. Hanson knows you’ll both be armed. We’ve agreed that he’ll get security to escort you to him.”

  “Good. But who are the people being protected?”

  “Hanson and someone called Trask. They’re the only two that I’ve been told about. Well, I think that’s all you need at the moment, Micky.”

  “You have been busy, Cedrick.”

  “Yes, Micky. I hope that gorgeous Charlie has been busy looking after you. Has she?”


  “I’m doing my best Cedrick,” Charlie put in. “But he can be a handful sometimes,” she added, winking at Micky

  “Don’t I know it, Charlie?”

  “Can you hold for a moment Cedrick?” he asked and turned to look at Charlie.

  “Can you pop down to reception for me? There’s a letter I need urgently.”

  “No problem. Although, we could just as easily pick it up on the way out.”

  “I know, but it could be relevant.”

  “Relevant to what?” she muttered as she left the room. Then, wondering what he was up to, stopped outside the door to listen, trying to calm her mind as much as possible so that Micky wouldn’t sense her.

  “Are you still there Cedrick?”

  Cedrick speaking in a concerned voice, said, “Yes. But that was a bit obvious Micky. What’s the problem?”

  Micky thought for a moment, then quickly scanned the local area. Several people passed their room, but they all had average emotional levels, so he took no notice of them.

  “Cedrick, something’s going wrong with me physically.”

  He waited. Then Cedrick answered. “You’re right, I can see that in your face. You’d better tell me exactly what’s happening before Charlie gets back.”

  “I feel older. I can see that I look older, especially since returning to the States.”

  “We all get…”

  Micky cut him off. “No, Cedrick. I mean I seem to be ageing rapidly.”

  “You’re starting to worry me, Micky. I can see a change in your face, but Charlie hasn’t noticed yet or has she?”

  “That’s just it Cedrick. I’m sure she has. I can sometimes sense her emotions change when she looks at me. I can’t describe it accurately but almost like the same feeling that I sense when someone’s covering up a secret.”

  “So, what do you need from me, Micky?”

  “I think it’s highly unlikely that I will survive this case.”

  “What do you mean?” Cedrick replied, with anxiety sounding in his voice “Of course you damn well will.”

  “I’m not so sure that I can survive, Cedrick. This case seems different somehow. Very different.”

  “Well, how long do you think you’ve got then, Micky?

  “I don’t know Cedrick, but I think the deterioration is speeding up. But don’t say a word to Charlie. I’ll tell her at the right time.”

  Cedrick nodded acceptance, then was silent thinking about the situation.

  He felt at a loss for a moment. He couldn’t accept the possibility that Micky might be right. Micky was like a son to him.

  Then he pulled himself together.

  “And Charlie, what do you want me to do for her?”

  “I need you to look out for her Cedrick.”

  “That goes without saying, my boy. But, why?”

  “Cedrick, somehow, she’s important. Even more than me. I don’t know why, but I know she is. I can feel it.”


  “She could be pregnant with my child.”

  “Geeze Micky.”

  “I know, not very smart am I?”

  “An idiot comes to mind. Anyway, surely it’s too soon to know?”

  “No, I’ve seen this type of emotional change before, with someone way back. Remember the Aldington case?”

  “Yes, I certainly do.”

  “Cedrick, promise me you’ll protect her if I end up dead.”

  “Micky, now you’re really worrying me. But, yes, you know that Linda and I will look out for her.”

  “No, Cedrick. I need you to promise, on your life, to protect her from danger.”

  “Geeze Micky. If she’s that important, then yes, of course, you have my word.”

  “Good,” he sighed feeling relieved knowing that Cedrick would do as promised.

  “And if Charlie really is pregnant?”

  “I’m sure that if she is important, then her child will be as well.”

  “Then she must be linked in some way to the future, Micky.

  “Yes. I’m as sure as I can be that she is.”

  “Then do you think the killer may decide to remove her as well, to protect his plan?”

, of course not,” Micky replied hesitantly while thinking about it a bit more. He looked pleadingly at Cedrick. “What did I tell you about it, before. When you found me?”

  “You know I can’t tell you that. You made me promise never to tell, and I keep my promises.”

  Micky sighed. Cedrick was right.

  If Cedrick told him all that he knew, then time would be irrevocably changed, and he might have achieved exactly what the killer wanted.

  Micky sat back in his chair feeling exhausted. But determined to make the situation appear normal again before Charlie came back, said, “Oh, and tell your two clowns in reception, not to stand around looking so conspicuous, Cedrick.”

  Cedrick was also glad to lower the tension level and was happy to react to Micky’s comment.

  “Typical, Micky. Nobody seems to know what the word discrete means anymore.”

  With that, Charlie returned.

  “Would you believe it Micky, they can’t find any letter for you at all.”

  She looked carefully at him, then at Cedrick’s smiling face peering out at them.

  “That’s a false smile if ever I saw one,” she snapped.

  “Charlie. He’s been singing your praises.”

  “Yeah Cedrick, pull the other one while you’re at it.”

  “It’s right Charlie, he has,” Cedrick insisted.

  Micky added nothing to Cedrick’s words.

  “Anyway,” Cedrick conceded. “You’ve got all we know on Cebro now. But call me before you go in to see Hanson, just in case we’ve got anything else by then.”

  “Will do.”

  “Bye Charlie,” Cedrick said, ending the call.

  Micky disconnected the scrambler device, closed down his Laptop and packed them both into his case. Then before leaving carried out another scan, which happily showed nothing out of the ordinary.

  “Let’s go,” he said, picking up the largest suitcase as he headed out to the reception area.

  “Do you want me to come as well?” She angrily asked.